holy cow..i havent blogged in waaaay too long. what will i blame it on? getting married. :) june 4th, greg and i tied the knot!!
it was the most amazing day ever. my colors were the dreamy colors of hydrangeas. i wanted everything to be white except for the ribbons, flowers and chair sashes. and it all worked out beautifully (you know how freaky i can be about colors??) i was SOOOOO excited when the flowers arrived--they were drop dead gorgeous.
we hung vintage birdcages from big, fat satin ribbons in the trees, and made a really cool ribbon canopy with ribbon and little circle, paper garlands...sooo sweet. and at night, we had candles hanging from just about everywhere.
it took place at my parents house, which overlooks the mississippi river, so the setting was amazing in itself!! molly was my beautiful little maid of honor ..and matthew was gregs best man :) we are so blessed to have those two kids in our life. they are amazing little souls :)
AAAAND...the biggest surprise ever happened. my good friends, scott and kelly crosby did our photography. i reeeeally was hoping that my other good photography friends jennifer nace, and angie kalthoff could come, but they *said* that they couldnt.....they totally tricked me, came to surprise me, and i made an awful scene at the hotel..hahahaaa...they are amazing ladies, mommies...friends. thank you so much to kelly, scott, jen and angie for making my special day over the top. i love you guys!!!! <3
ok!! on to some of the pics::::::